Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shiny, Spectacular, & Baby Blue All Over

It's funny it hasn't even been a full 24 hours since I posted that blog about the Gays and here I am on the very next day flooded with a ton of material in the form of the one video that made its way to the Informational SuperHighway and then spread like wildfire. Spectacular from boy band, Pretty Ricky managed to single-handedly destroy the group's career by exposing the truth about most boy bands. They're gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but most times it's a sad truth that America and moreover the world is not ready to admit. When Lance Bass came out the closet there was mayhem. When Raz-B of B2K hinted that he was gay, appeared on Noah's Arc (popular gay tv show), and spoke at a Pride Event the world held their breath and forced many gay black men into the same conundrum that continues this irrational cycle of homophobia. And I guess to some degree this was a culture shock to many. The straight community has always been largely oblivious to the contemporary flexibility that the average homosexual African American male posesses, because you have never encountered it. But trust most of these men you call "sissies" are a half a pirouette away from being a classically trained ballerina. So, I understand if seeing your would-be Sex Symbol, Spectacular spin, dip, and wind like the homosexual he is, made you a little bit uncomfortable. But guess what, it is your own homophobia that causes more of your internal revulsion rather than anything Spectacular Blue Smith did. Now, admittedly there was an easier and better way tell the world about his sexuality, this video should still be no cause for alarm. Just type in "boys dancing" on YouTube and you can begin broadening your horizons today. Otherwise, get over it. Shit happens. People are gay. And just because he was the epitome of everything you wanted in an uneducated, thugged-out boyfriend doesn't make him anything less acceptable just because now you realize he's just as inaccessible to you now as before. Sorry America. The man is human. Gay. And you all are fucked up. Why should everyone have to fight for the right to be themselves? Isn't that what this country was founded for? I'm just sayin.

See Spec's pecs here:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Who's The Boss

Soooooo, at my Graduation Party yesterday (Graduation wooooooo!!!), I was talking to some of my cousins and the issue of sexuality came up. Apparently, my sister had gone to Atlantic Station, a popular Atlanta hangout spot, and saw two guys in their car making out. And this began a series of heated commentaries made from everyone about how "it's a choice" and "it's wrong" or "disgusting" and "sinful." You get the idea. Then came the kicker. "I just don't see how you could be a man and do that." I was flustered to say the least, but I chilled because sometimes those arguments aren't worth being had. I know. But all I thought was why is it 2009 and people can still have these kinds of conversations. People always feel the need to discuss the immorality of certain sins with a complete disregard for the others. There is always a fixation on things that offend you rather on things that actually have to do with you. I didn't have anything against what my sister said all I wondered was what did it have to do with her? Every individual that participated in this conversation was a straight as lightning rod and I just wondered what could it benefit them to discuss this issue. And why did they all need to reiterate what the other one said. It must be some sort of connection thing where everybody wants to belong to some sort of community, so they kick one group out to establish themselves. That's what Europeans to the early settlers of the New World. That's what the Settlers did to the Native Americans, and the Africans for that matter. And that's what we are doing right now. It shouldn't be that way. We shouldn't need to ostracize one group of people in order to uplift ourselves. Is that what's really good in the streets. Everybody keeps making up their own clubhouse, like we're five years old, and then having our own private Tea Party where we can sit around in little huddles and a reaffirm one another's opinion. Well, excuse me for having it terribly wrong. I thought the world was not a flat, linear thing that the whole universe revolves around, but apparently I'm mistaken. I have apparently walked to the farthest edge and fall off the Earth into another dimension filled with imbeciles. I apologize. Sorry gays, you guys are disgusting, sinful, immoral people that God hates and I will thank you to burn in hell. Really? C'mon man. I'm just sayin.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breathe Easy

So after all this it's still a little bit difficult to beleive that I am officially a college graduate. I have spent four years working my ass off or not working my ass and it all amounts to this little piece of paper that costed me something like $100,000. I am so glad to be done with it. I have something that means a lot to my family and is an accomplishment I am proud of myself for too. I just can't beleive I won't be able to see these people who have been so vital to my existence for the past four years anymore. I was thinking the other day while we were at our individual school ceremony, and I asked one of my classmates "How does it feel to have your entire education sitting in your lap right now?" They couldn't formulate an answer and I imagine that is how college graduates and maybe even high school graduates are feeling right now. Personally, it makes so damn nervous because I sit at the same crossroads I was at four years with the choice of whether I wanted to enter the "Real World" or belabor the moment a little bit longer. I have chosen yet again to delay that transition into adulthood. I'm running away to South Korea to teach English while I try to figure out what I really want in my heart. Not that I'm complaining about things because this is pretty.

But I am just not 100% sure about the prospect of being a grown up yet. I know this is what they've been supposedly preparing us for this entire time and I love and appreciate everyone that has had a hand in the molding of us into the people we are now. It's just kinda scary. I'm not completely petrified. I'm just sayin.