Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Quit Playing Games Yo
Even though this game is mad old now, it's still some of the best graphics and gameplay out of a console in a good minute. I'm just saying.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Mrs. Knowles You Rock!
Damn it, I know I come off as an asshole. And that last post probably has people thinking I'm not as hardcore a Bey stan as I could be, but let me just say this. After watching Kanye West, one of my favorite rappers, rob the joy from Taylor Swift's first moment of winning a Moon Man, I was wowed at the way she handled that situation. Had Mrs. Knowles-Carter let that hang out there, Taylor might have left MTV with the most sour taste in her mouth about the insensitivity of all the Beautiful People of Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry. While I still think you're hiding something I think this was a move conjured all your own. Let's see more of that side of you. Please? She really is a wonderful human being that I think the whole world would appreciate. I am just saying. You should give it a try.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Who's That Lady
While on one of my favorite blogs, they chose to talk about one of the most championed women of R&B in the 21st century. The cultural phenomena that was so big she had to create an alter ego just to cope with her immense popularity. The one and only Mrs. Beyonce Knowles-Carter. She is a music and fashion icon. But one thing that the average person who isn't a Beyonce Stan will tell you is that they have the sneaking suspicion that all that Ms. Knowles does is part of a large masquerade. With all the hair and makeup. The lights and the wind. The loud speaker and the flying harnesses it's hard to remain a "plain old you" when the whole world is telling you that the things that make you ordinary are too mundane to even fit in the shoes that you have to slide into one at a time like the rest of us. It's no wonder these sort of "superstars" have trouble trying to remain in the stratosphere when their feet are never truly permitted to touch the ground.

Don't get me wrong. Beyonce is an amazing woman. Business savvy. Speaks pretty well if prompted and prepped beforehand. Carries herself with decency. Smiles an awful lot. And as a man I can still say, she is sexy as all get out. But who the hell is she? Underneath all the makeup, weave, airbrushing, eyelined, plastic surgery, overly exercised, body sculpted image of a beautiful package I think there is the soul of a broken woman. A black woman who for whatever reason decided to take the world's oldest profession to a grander scale. She prostituted her gift. Her voice. Made a deal with the devil to sell her Gift from God to the highest bidder. A long time ago when people might not have known the "ghetto fabulous leader of Destiny's Child" they might have been able to simply say "yeah, her voice is pretty strong." But now, her staying power is undeniable. She is so popular that she could release the same album four times in one year with an extra song and video each rerelease and still go platinum on each disc. But with the stacking or hanging of each shiny, metallic disc what does she really gain? And what do we, the consumers of this product, her product, her music and her iconography gain from her? It's not a deeper understanding of ourselves. No, she could never really go toe-to-toe with India.Arie telling us not to be average or determine our worth by materialistic values. No, Beyonce can't go to the depths of her soul and sing the jazzy blues like Queen Latifah and tell us she's not in love, but the feeling was still good. And perhaps Mrs. Carter cannot go through the five steps of grieving with her Green Eyes as Erykah Badu did. But she can give us many of what I'll call "stock R&B songs." They sound pretty, but they don't really make you feel anything. And when it's all said and done what does Beyonce have left to show for it all, besides tons of money? Is she happy? I think beneath it all she's hurting. Real R&B is about rhythm and blues. Rhythm, like the movements of life. And Blues, like the murky water that sometimes is Life's winding stream. And when Beyonce goes into the studio or onto the stage for that matter instead of tapping into those feelings, she does what she has been taught to do well. Lie. Lie with her lips. Lie with her hips. Lie with the conviction that one day she will be able to shed a skin that is choking her secretly. Suddenly, her introversion becomes more and more frantic. And in a dire need to hide her authorial voice further she fabricated the psuedonym for yet another author to the story of her life. That's why people's minds invent multiple personalities isn't it? Because one of the personalities cannot handle the emotional and psychological pressures on it, but the subconscious knows it must survive. That's what Sasha Fierce is in my opinion. Sasha Fierce is Beyonce's armadillo roll. And until she gets out of her ball she cannot and will not be able push in some substance behind all of her musical creations. Until such time, she is simply rubbing dirt in a laceration that goes all the way deep to the white meat. Don't cry. I know it's hard. But you have to get yourself together because no one else will volunteer to do it. I'm just sayin.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A Dog-gone Shame

So it's football season again and nobody is more excited to see Michael Vick than I am. And then I get an email titled, "Have You Seen This Shit?" Michael Vick Dog Jerseys. Yes, folks they're serious. The Humane Society has succeeded in being further destructive to Michaeld Vick's image. I mean are they serious? A damn dog jersey? As if Black Men don't have enough problems trying to overcome the dehumanizing process of buying, selling, and trading players in a high-priced Modern-day Slave Trade that has become the NBA and the NFL. I can't believe they did this. They claim it's just to dissipate those last little lingering feelings that some dog lovers may still have towards the black athlete. Do they have any idea how disrespectful this is to any man, regardless of race? You're going to put my number on an animal? I swear I'm going to flip a shit if I get one jeering text message with animalistic comparisons between Vick and a canine. This is just as bad as the white guy who was selling the Obama t-shirts last year out of Fayetteville with Curious George on them. White people, I know you. Some of you are my good friends. I know yall aint that oblivious to the racism involved in these type of incidents and the bigotry embedded in the psyche of the sick fucks who fashioned these in the first place. My soul is disturbed. And my heart is broken at the way they continue to humiliate Michael Vick. My prayers are with you Brother. Stay strong. I know you're going to prove all these naysayers wrong. I just hope they'll start treating you with some dignity soon, because I'm finna send a letter to Stuart Scott so that he can shed some light on this. Because this is some bullshit. And you know it America. I'm just sayin.
Dog Jersey,
Michael Vick,
Favor for Favre
Hmmmm. I'm not really sure how to feel about Bret Favre coming out of retirement for the second time. Isn't this the same man that gave us that tear jerking performance at the end of the season last year? I mean, dude what the hell? I know you love the game and more importantly, you like the money from it. But when is it time to give up th ghost? You had a pretty good run with the Jets last year and you threw pretty well. But then you promised that you were through with the game, at least from a player's perspective. And then we head buzz in the rumor mill that you might be firing up yet again. And you "neither confirm nor deny the allegations." And we all know what that shit means. You were coming back for yet another Encore performance. Not that I have an issue with the old guy, he's pretty cool. He made me love Green Bay. And you were on the cover of my NFL Quarterback Club for the N64, but I just don't get how the hell you keep getting signed despite your clever farce each year to "retire." And to add injury to insult, you defect to the Vikings? Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this? Clearly they are the Cheese Heads biggest rival? Wtf? How is no one outraged by this? Is this okay? No. No sir, it absolutely is not. There is no excuse. You should have just stuck to doing those Wrangler jeans commercials and sat the hell down. Because right now you feel like Dennis Quaid in "Any Given Sunday," a dinosaur who doesn't deserve to play past his prime. If I was Tarvaris Jackson I'd be pissed. I mean, c'mon man. I'm just sayin.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Guess Who's Biizzzzack
After much speculation it has been confirmed by Clive Davis and the centerpiece of his starlet collection that she will be releasing her newest album "I Look To You" on August 31, 2009. I am quite excited about the Greatest Voice Of All Time coming back in full force. "I Look To You" is a powerful song about many things from God, to a lover that gives you the strength to carry on beyond the low points we all have in life. Whitney Houston is simply the greatest. And as much as I love the likes of Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Jill Scott, India.Arie, etc. I can never get over my first love. The woman who taught me how to sing, love, laugh, act,and be unashamed to be your corky, skinny self. I can't wait for this album. I already have my copy on reserve. Granted this Whitney will not be the same woman I met in the 90s, it will still be wonderful. Her voice has come back with a seasoned and beautiful grace that whispers experience. Her head voice is fuller than it has been in years. And her powerful chest voice is pushing back up to its old limits. Sorry, I got technical, didn't I? Oh well, that's the beauty of Whitney. She makes me feel all those beautiful nuances about music down in my bones. Not that others can't. But there is none like Whitney. I'm just sayin.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Dr. Evil
So why is this man making yet another band? Who is letting this dude make so much money off of the naive dreams of talented people? I sat there and watched in awe as the next installment of Puffy's reality tv show came on MTV. I'm sure he's getting a couple million dollars kickback on the royalties from the show. That's the only reason he ever really decides to make these "bands." I mean let's just look at the groups he has managed thus far. Dream? Da Band? Danity Kane? Donnie J? Day26? I will admit Day26 had closer to a real chance at stardom than any of the other groups. But Puffy has even placed the "Bad Boy Curse" upon them. I hope Q gets his act together. Nevertheless, these groups are all ones that did dooms to exist from the start. By telling them to rush to see who can make the fast album. Wtf? By telling them that their hari is too big and he doesn't like big hair. Or by simple Ego Trips he goes on and decides to make the Negroes he employs walk all the way to Brooklyn for the infamous slice of Junior's Cheesecake. Plain and simple, that nigga is out of control. And I for one, do not support his projects. Especially not his reality shows. They nothing more than mere encasing from him to frame his arrogant attitude for America to writhe in uncomfortable laughter. Simon Cowell? Anyone? Notice how we as Americans love to hate certain individuals; for their wealth, for their temper, and for the tendency to disregard the feelings of those around them. I can't do it. I will stick to just regular hating him. Probably the best thing Biggie could have done for Puff Daddy aka Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs' career was die. That way he could capitalize off tributes, movies, and anything else that poor Christopher Wallace had to do with. But I am not supporting this mad scientist bent on concocting the latest shoveling of Bullshit to make only himself rich. You wanna see who's killing hip hop because they're not trying? It aint just Solja Boy these days. It's money hungry people like Sean Combs that use artists as human capital that is to be tossed to the side once he's through with using them for his own profit. Bad Boy= Bad Business. I ain't hating on this rich asshole. I'm just sayin.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Worse I Ever Had

So you know I've been meaning to comment on this bs for a while. First off, the video, "Best I Ever Had", is stupid and its point muddled at best if there was one at all. Second, why the hell would they make a video about being "The Fucking Best" and lose? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? Imbecile. Third, idk why everyone is so disappointed. Little Jimmy aka Aubrey Graham aka Mr. Young Money has never been that great. As far as his lyricism, HE'S WACK! I've heard his mixtapes and honestly, Chris Brown is a better rapper than that nigga. Hell, Chris Brown's whole assault charge makes him more gangsta than Jimmy Drake too. I can't believe I even have to have this conversation. I've been saying since this little nigga was on Degrassi that he was garbage. For the real people that have followed Lil Wheelchair Jimmy you know that Ashley was the better half of that paraplegic duo. And this video of him converting to the dark side of Entertainment Industry Superficiality was only inevitable from this mediocre rapper who can't sing. If we had realized his lack of talent earlier on, we'd have known that his rap swag is the same flavor as his acting: vanilla. I'm just sayin.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Pretty Bored Wings
Maxwell is simply one of the greatest voices of our time. And in my lazing about the house, this is what I came up with. Not hating on some of the current artists out there, I'm just sayin.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Black Star Power
Isn't it funny how sometimes we as young adults experience our elders' disconnection from our generation. It happened to me while watching the BET Awards with my mother. She tried frantically to identify the current stars of the Entertainment Industry. And I struggled to curb my agitation with her cultural illiteracy. I suppose it's not her fault; while the impatience of youth leaves me a little more than slightly flustered by this natural inquisitive need to rebuild this long fallen bridge to pop culture. Excuse me while I get myself together. I know you're trying to stay "with it" but "it" left a loooooong time ago and no amount of BET is going to bring it back. Especially not with our modern age of coonery. I'm just sayin.
BET Awards,
Jamie Foxx,
social disconnect,
Friday, June 26, 2009
Shoutin it Down!
Some people in the Music Industry can't sing. And while they can sell albums, there are few with this amount of talent in one stairwell. Not hatin. I'm just sayin. Dem boyz can sang!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea..
You knew it was going to be a hard game when the whole 1st Quarter is spent with 7 lead changes. But not when you get that man "fired up and ready to go!" Say what you want about the transient fans of basketball, but I am one of them becasue honestly until summer comes I don't have time to devote so many hours of time into watching every damn game. I usually pick up during the Playoffs and decide who I want to win, but this year has just been like any other. Celtics couldn't get it going with KG and the gang. The Heat weren't even in the running despite all the greatness of D. Wade. And the Cavs were knocked out of their chance for the running in the upset between them and the Orlando Magic. But one thing remains consistent in the Western Conference. No matter what anyone says, the Lakers remain a well-oiled machine. Yeah, they've been robbed of a few championships in their era, but it is still the Age of the Purple and Gold. When they had ShaqDiesel and Lamar Odom was just trying to earn his keep on the Heat and the Clippers, they were knocking em down. The dynamic duo was truly a force to be reckoned with. They tried to reformulate that kind of chemistry with Wade and Shaq but it just wasn't the same. Shaq got old and Wade just didn't have enough help offensively. Meanwhile on the Westside, Lamar Odom's lack of motivation and sloppy play sometimes left me feeling like the G.O.A.T. when they just couldn't seize the Championship. Nevertheless, the one consistent thing that has always been a sight for sore eyes has been Kobe Bryant. He is simply impeccable. When he was alongside Shaq he was clearly the Star to shine beside the Behemoth that Shaquille O'Neal is. But without his love/hate partner in crime it has been a harder road for Kobe getting back to the Finals each year. But somehow he has fought to get there. Made out to be the bad guy with the media.
The Hot Head. The Alleged Rapist. The Showoff. But there is one thing that people have to realize, he really is probably the best that will ever play the game. I will admit I was swept up in the whole Lebron is the Chosen One thing, but experience is the best teacher. Lebron is just not ready yet. Kobe is ready. And has been for some time now. He shouted at his teammates. Jeered in opponents' faces. And got his rocks off with a white girl or two. Big deal. This man is human. Correction: this man is SuperHuman. And no matter how much time the media spends tearing this man down, they can never deny his talent as an athlete. You can say what you want. But I'm dusting off my "8" and "24" Lakers Jerseys and hopping on the bandwagon of the Winning Team. Don't judge me. I'm just sayin.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Bittersweet Irony
Not that you aren't great or anything but maybe you should have took your own advice, Your Highness. I'm just sayin....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Shiny, Spectacular, & Baby Blue All Over

It's funny it hasn't even been a full 24 hours since I posted that blog about the Gays and here I am on the very next day flooded with a ton of material in the form of the one video that made its way to the Informational SuperHighway and then spread like wildfire. Spectacular from boy band, Pretty Ricky managed to single-handedly destroy the group's career by exposing the truth about most boy bands. They're gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but most times it's a sad truth that America and moreover the world is not ready to admit. When Lance Bass came out the closet there was mayhem. When Raz-B of B2K hinted that he was gay, appeared on Noah's Arc (popular gay tv show), and spoke at a Pride Event the world held their breath and forced many gay black men into the same conundrum that continues this irrational cycle of homophobia. And I guess to some degree this was a culture shock to many. The straight community has always been largely oblivious to the contemporary flexibility that the average homosexual African American male posesses, because you have never encountered it. But trust most of these men you call "sissies" are a half a pirouette away from being a classically trained ballerina. So, I understand if seeing your would-be Sex Symbol, Spectacular spin, dip, and wind like the homosexual he is, made you a little bit uncomfortable. But guess what, it is your own homophobia that causes more of your internal revulsion rather than anything Spectacular Blue Smith did. Now, admittedly there was an easier and better way tell the world about his sexuality, this video should still be no cause for alarm. Just type in "boys dancing" on YouTube and you can begin broadening your horizons today. Otherwise, get over it. Shit happens. People are gay. And just because he was the epitome of everything you wanted in an uneducated, thugged-out boyfriend doesn't make him anything less acceptable just because now you realize he's just as inaccessible to you now as before. Sorry America. The man is human. Gay. And you all are fucked up. Why should everyone have to fight for the right to be themselves? Isn't that what this country was founded for? I'm just sayin.
See Spec's pecs here: http://www.mediatakeout.com/2009/32998-nuh_uhhhhhhhh_spectacular_from_pretty_ricky_appears_to_come_out_the_closet_in_new_video_warning_-_video_contains_extreme_zestiness.html
Monday, May 25, 2009
Who's The Boss
Soooooo, at my Graduation Party yesterday (Graduation wooooooo!!!), I was talking to some of my cousins and the issue of sexuality came up. Apparently, my sister had gone to Atlantic Station, a popular Atlanta hangout spot, and saw two guys in their car making out. And this began a series of heated commentaries made from everyone about how "it's a choice" and "it's wrong" or "disgusting" and "sinful." You get the idea. Then came the kicker. "I just don't see how you could be a man and do that." I was flustered to say the least, but I chilled because sometimes those arguments aren't worth being had. I know. But all I thought was why is it 2009 and people can still have these kinds of conversations. People always feel the need to discuss the immorality of certain sins with a complete disregard for the others. There is always a fixation on things that offend you rather on things that actually have to do with you. I didn't have anything against what my sister said all I wondered was what did it have to do with her? Every individual that participated in this conversation was a straight as lightning rod and I just wondered what could it benefit them to discuss this issue. And why did they all need to reiterate what the other one said. It must be some sort of connection thing where everybody wants to belong to some sort of community, so they kick one group out to establish themselves. That's what Europeans to the early settlers of the New World. That's what the Settlers did to the Native Americans, and the Africans for that matter. And that's what we are doing right now. It shouldn't be that way. We shouldn't need to ostracize one group of people in order to uplift ourselves. Is that what's really good in the streets. Everybody keeps making up their own clubhouse, like we're five years old, and then having our own private Tea Party where we can sit around in little huddles and a reaffirm one another's opinion. Well, excuse me for having it terribly wrong. I thought the world was not a flat, linear thing that the whole universe revolves around, but apparently I'm mistaken. I have apparently walked to the farthest edge and fall off the Earth into another dimension filled with imbeciles. I apologize. Sorry gays, you guys are disgusting, sinful, immoral people that God hates and I will thank you to burn in hell. Really? C'mon man. I'm just sayin.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Breathe Easy
So after all this it's still a little bit difficult to beleive that I am officially a college graduate. I have spent four years working my ass off or not working my ass and it all amounts to this little piece of paper that costed me something like $100,000. I am so glad to be done with it. I have something that means a lot to my family and is an accomplishment I am proud of myself for too. I just can't beleive I won't be able to see these people who have been so vital to my existence for the past four years anymore. I was thinking the other day while we were at our individual school ceremony, and I asked one of my classmates "How does it feel to have your entire education sitting in your lap right now?" They couldn't formulate an answer and I imagine that is how college graduates and maybe even high school graduates are feeling right now. Personally, it makes so damn nervous because I sit at the same crossroads I was at four years with the choice of whether I wanted to enter the "Real World" or belabor the moment a little bit longer. I have chosen yet again to delay that transition into adulthood. I'm running away to South Korea to teach English while I try to figure out what I really want in my heart. Not that I'm complaining about things because this is pretty.
But I am just not 100% sure about the prospect of being a grown up yet. I know this is what they've been supposedly preparing us for this entire time and I love and appreciate everyone that has had a hand in the molding of us into the people we are now. It's just kinda scary. I'm not completely petrified. I'm just sayin.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Are You F*ckin For Real?!
"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!" As everyone around continues to try to make me believe that Asher Roth, Kid Cudi, Charles Hamilton, and Solja Boy are gonna take us into the next generation I feel like I am shouting into a void as more and more mindless gnomes maintain that these are the revolutionaries of the "New-Hop" Era. I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of this entrance into the next dimension. It didn't occur to me that I can walk around my house parading around like a buffoon and that was the next level of thinking.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Winding Word
So I have this cutty buddy and our arrangement is pretty lucrative, to say the least. No strings. No complications and great sex in every variation. But sometimes we find ourselves in interesting margins that blur the line between friends with benefits, platonic courting, and legitimate intimacy. The result is me getting caught up with emotions that made me want to pursue a more extended relationship but that wasn't what they were looking for. Hurt, I cut everything off so that I could protect myself. I didn't like the feelings of confusion and it was for the best. However more recently my horniness got the best of me and I found my "friend" in my bed again. Now we're going out on dates and such, back and forth with who pays. Interestingly enough, they invited me to the concert of one of my favorite singers. Naturally, I was excited at the prospect of spending quality time with them and a side of good music. Randomly, to up the ante on the weekend, they suggested we go up a day earlier to DC to hang out with some of their friends and then the next morning make the trek to Richmond for the concert. Turns out, this whole weekend was supposed to be a freak fest for me and my wonderful friend. Mmph.I had no idea. And then we spent half this weekend having sex and the other half of it ignoring each other; or rather my friend ignored me. I will admit, I'm a bit put off because if this was supposed to be a freak fest weekend why did you keep pishing me away when I'm in sex mode? And if it was supposed to be an intimate weekend why do you keep missing the sweet simplicity in moments like us watching tv together? I mean, honestly you're so trifling if ever I tried to tell you how you'd find a way to make it my fault. I'm pissed. And everytime I think we have fixed this arrangement, you complicate things. Not that you're a bad person, but I'm just sayin.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Keeping it 100
This is me and my girl Eri, doin our normal thing of arguing about shit that's relevant to us, i.e., rap music today. It's pretty funny. We laughed at it. Anyway, check it out. Let me know whatchu think.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Miseducation of Dr. Jeff
Sooooooooo, my teacher came in looking a mess today in class. And coming off the steam of Senior Ball and lots of people looking extremely "put-together," shall we say, it's jarring to see someone look like they just rolled out of bed, took half the rollers out their head, and throw the rest of their hair into a scraggly ponytail. Wtf? Why would an educated, black, 30-something woman walk around like that? In this modern day, with an economic recession and a decreasing population of eligible, African American bachelors, why wouldn't you try your best to attract as many prospects as possible by fixing your damn hair?!!! Ugh. And you wonder why you can't find a man. I'm gone get you ass a flat iron as Graduation Gift, from me to you. I ain't hating Dr. Jeffrey. I'm just sayin.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Don't Change
Me: Are we hanging out still?
Them: I was drunk last night. I can't do that again tonight. That was a big step.
Me: I know. We can still go slow. I just wanted to see you. I guess I'll holla at you later.
Them: It wouldn't be so bad if we did that every now and then. If that's cool...
Me: That's cool with me.
No more texts. No phone calls. No prospects for later plans. I'm confused. If we both liked the sex and we like each other, why haven't I heard from you. Did I do something wrong. You asked me if that was what I want and I told you I did, but not just that. What's happening? If that made you uncomfortable we don't have to do that again. I just like spending time with you. Not that I'm complaining about a one-night stand, but if you want more please let me know. I can't read your mind baby. The spill about you being special wasn't just to get in your pants, but that's how you're making this feel. I'm just sayin.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
You Love it When They Call You Big Poppa

I have a teacher that I have had for four years of college here at my semi-reserved historically black university. He has been awesome and taught me everything from how to write a research paper (except not really), to how not to go about getting your Colors. He has doubled for this same amount of time as my mentor. And I really look up to him. But in this, my last year of undergraduate study, he has been my instructor for Thesis and I find myself in a really bad place with him. It seems I visit his office and leave not only with more things to read, but a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that maybe he and I have grown apart. The advice he gives now simply upsets me, and the instruction I recieve as a student (or lack thereof) confounds me in his class. He continues to emphasize the importance of this school year and his course yet he has office little more than a hock phlegm in the face with regards to helping me develop this Thesis that is supposed to be the summation of all my days here in the Hampton Bubble. And then I began to look at each of the courses I have taken. African American Lit. American Lit. Writing Research. And I realize that in each of these courses I haven't learned anything except how to bullshit my way through another class. And now he looks at me in his office, like I should know things that, prerequiste classes I had with him as the professor, never taught me. That's a major blow! And what's ironic about the entire situation is that he has been bullshitting us the teaching of these courses too. So he really can't get mad at me not having any structure in my brain, because he clearly hasn't cultivated that in me for 4 years. He has no structure his damn self. He can't impose this one outline on my life and decide that I should blindly do it. It ain't even finna go down like that. You can start this conversation Doc, but I guarantee I am going to finish it. Plain and simple whatever disarray my Thesis ends up in is as much a failure of yours as it is mine. And if I don't pass this my last class at school with you, I'm blowing up a building (but not really). Then I'm coming for you. A nigga is not whining, but damn it, I'm just sayin.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Winter WonderLand

So it snowed in Hampton Roads today. And I, being one of those wonderful people born in a SunBelt State was exceptionally happy because it was an official "Snow Day" so to speak. I woke up telling my roommate how I was going to start a snowball fight with him, make a snowman, and lay down to make a snow angel or two. He laughed at me and said, "This isn't real snow. It's like one layer of snow covering the ground." And I was upset. Clearly, I see how much snow there is outside, and I don't give a damn what he says. I'm going out there to play in it. It's cold. It's white. And I'm going to gather enough of it to have me a good time in. Why can't he let me and all others like myself enjoy this moderate winter weather that we never got the chance to see. I mean I just wanted the chance to wear my overly huge, super thick suede Ecko coat with the fox fur around the collar and my Timbos. Can you blame me? I'm gonna enjoy this little slice of Yankee Weather because who knows when we'll have a fluke like this again? Not that I'm extremely put off by what they do "up top" in the colder months, but I just want them to let me rock for a moment. Humor me. I ain't finna go shrieking through the night in celebration of this melodious blanket of white winter powder, but I'm just sayin.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
We Gotta Do Better
As usual, while doing my homework I took a break to see what was interesting or new on the circuit and as a member of the NAACP I found an email in my inbox that I had not yet read. It was from the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Dr. Benjamin Jealous. In this email he discussed the protestation efforts being made by our organization to reform the media being controlled by Rupert Murdock at the New York Post. The cartoon detailing a monkey being shot as he was the author of the $800 Million Stimulus Package was obviously an attack on our faithful Nubian President. The fact that the majority of the population (pronounced "white-A-mer-i-ca) didn't see anything wrong with this article's content or the extremely offensive cartoon showed that we still have a long way to go. Though I am not one to always get on my soap box I will for a moment. For so long the ideology that promoted everything from Eugenics to Neo-Nazi Purification, this cartoon comes from the same breadth that condemned those that descended from the Founders of Mother Earth to unintelligible members of the lower mammals. This is not something that we, black people, made up folks. If you cannot see the racial connotations in these sort of situations maybe you should reexamine your own tolerance to ethnocentric and intolerant messages. Yes, we have elected a black man as our president. But we still have not reached the Promised Land of Racial and Gender Equality. Not that we're all blind, or all racist, however we cannot allow blatantly disrespectful imagery to fly under the radar without someone's RaceMaker going off. I mean, I'm just sayin.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Procrastinators' Work

So definitely came to the library to attempt to do some work and I ended on facebook to change my status. Myspace to fix my mom's profile (Long story). To update my peeps who follow me. YouTube to see this video my friend posted. And What's the T to see the Rihanna pic from TMZ. I have been in this same spot for the past four hours and still have yet to start on the three papers that loom over my head. And to make matters worse I hate doing work at the last minute, but I somehow can never bring myself to start on stuff when it's not the last hour. Maybe there is something wrong me. Or maybe it's this technological era's fault, littering the world with a smorgishboard of World Wide Web Distractions instead of giving me an online calculator and a digitized version of the book I'm supposed to be reading. I know it's my fault I'm still procrastinatin, but I'm just sayin.
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