So I'm talking to somebody and am happy to say so. We had been dancing around each other for some time. And here in Senior year, the last semester I finally balls up and told this person that I was crazy about them. Fellas, you know what I mean. Anyway, so me and this would-be lover of mine keep trying to spend time together for the greater half of a month and a half after my confession, but it's always hard with our busy schedules. Me, always in rehersal or a meeting for work. They, always out of town or busy living it up and inviting out to places that I can't get to until after I have fulfilled my extra obligations. We'd keep missing each other, but text messages of "I just really wish I could have chilled with you tonight." make it hard to just accept it as a lost cause. Finally, we plan a good day of hanging out: catch a movie, dinner, and chillin back at their place. It was all good and set in stone via texts. But in the end since we, two grown adults were still awake at 5 am I invite them over. Being attracted to me like I am to them they were there in two shakes. One thing lead to another and we ended up going all the way, after the sobering question "Is this what you want?" It was a good night and we fell asleep holding each other. But the day after, when we were to have our great date I can't get an answer to anything. Phone call. Voicemail. Text. No response. Message. No answer. I got stood up. I don't send anything. 1am text that says they were just waking up from the previous night.
Me: Are we hanging out still?
Them: I was drunk last night. I can't do that again tonight. That was a big step.
Me: I know. We can still go slow. I just wanted to see you. I guess I'll holla at you later.
Them: It wouldn't be so bad if we did that every now and then. If that's cool...
Me: That's cool with me.
No more texts. No phone calls. No prospects for later plans. I'm confused. If we both liked the sex and we like each other, why haven't I heard from you. Did I do something wrong. You asked me if that was what I want and I told you I did, but not just that. What's happening? If that made you uncomfortable we don't have to do that again. I just like spending time with you. Not that I'm complaining about a one-night stand, but if you want more please let me know. I can't read your mind baby. The spill about you being special wasn't just to get in your pants, but that's how you're making this feel. I'm just sayin.
deep.interesting coming from the male's side