So definitely came to the library to attempt to do some work and I ended on facebook to change my status. Myspace to fix my mom's profile (Long story). To update my peeps who follow me. YouTube to see this video my friend posted. And What's the T to see the Rihanna pic from TMZ. I have been in this same spot for the past four hours and still have yet to start on the three papers that loom over my head. And to make matters worse I hate doing work at the last minute, but I somehow can never bring myself to start on stuff when it's not the last hour. Maybe there is something wrong me. Or maybe it's this technological era's fault, littering the world with a smorgishboard of World Wide Web Distractions instead of giving me an online calculator and a digitized version of the book I'm supposed to be reading. I know it's my fault I'm still procrastinatin, but I'm just sayin.
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