So it's football season again and nobody is more excited to see Michael Vick than I am. And then I get an email titled, "Have You Seen This Shit?" Michael Vick Dog Jerseys. Yes, folks they're serious. The Humane Society has succeeded in being further destructive to Michaeld Vick's image. I mean are they serious? A damn dog jersey? As if Black Men don't have enough problems trying to overcome the dehumanizing process of buying, selling, and trading players in a high-priced Modern-day Slave Trade that has become the NBA and the NFL. I can't believe they did this. They claim it's just to dissipate those last little lingering feelings that some dog lovers may still have towards the black athlete. Do they have any idea how disrespectful this is to any man, regardless of race? You're going to put my number on an animal? I swear I'm going to flip a shit if I get one jeering text message with animalistic comparisons between Vick and a canine. This is just as bad as the white guy who was selling the Obama t-shirts last year out of Fayetteville with Curious George on them. White people, I know you. Some of you are my good friends. I know yall aint that oblivious to the racism involved in these type of incidents and the bigotry embedded in the psyche of the sick fucks who fashioned these in the first place. My soul is disturbed. And my heart is broken at the way they continue to humiliate Michael Vick. My prayers are with you Brother. Stay strong. I know you're going to prove all these naysayers wrong. I just hope they'll start treating you with some dignity soon, because I'm finna send a letter to Stuart Scott so that he can shed some light on this. Because this is some bullshit. And you know it America. I'm just sayin.