Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hall Pass

It seems traditional marriage is flawed in our country. Hell, maybe the whole world. People are always talking about how they can't trust their spouse. Monogamy is supposedly against human nature to be the sexual creatures we are designed to be. Some even suggest that we--men--were never supposed to be married because being tied down to one lover means that our testosterone-driven labidos would be stifled by the pragmatism of the same face every day. Smh. It's an age-old problem that has been swept under the rug for generations. However, in the highly vocal and more self-indulgent era of 2011 lots of people speak up about their inability to be committed. Or worse, they get caught demonstrating they can't be trusted.

The entertainment and professional athlete industries have given us a slew of examples of unfaithful lovers caught with their pants down. Jesse James, Kelsey Grammer, Charlie Sheen, Jaime Pressly, Ashlee Simpson n Pete Wentz, David n Courtney Arquette. Don't even get me started on Tiger Woods. And it's not just the stars that have trouble keeping their marriages together. Currently, the United States leads the world with the highest divorce rate anywhere. I know we like to be first in almost everything as a nation, but this is ridiculous. Statistics reveal a disturbing trend with regards to commitment in our country.

The point is, the list of problems goes on. People find it harder and harder to be committed to one person. Sleeping with their significant other and a revolving door of nameless flings. Has monogamy done this to us? Or have we done this to ourselves? Has the oversexualization of media raped our psyches to the point where we never learned to control teenage hormones? Are we a society of adolescent adults who can't keep it in their pants?

Some people have even gone as far as to offer amnesty for outside affairs with the consummated lover, provided they tell them. A movie out right now discusses this idea of how to keep a marriage alive. They suggest women should allow their husbands a bit of "time off," if you will, within their marriage. Allow your man to give in to his primal urges and then return to your bed afterwards. One athlete suggests it's just the way it goes. Men are gonna cheat on you anyway. Check out his article here.!5769488 Really? Are you shitting me? It sort of makes a mockery of what the vows of matrimony are. Or it suggests something even more problematic. Has the institution of marriage been a sham from the beginning? That's a hard pill to swallow. Maybe we're all kidding ourselves. Or maybe the whole world really has just lost their damn mind. You be the judge. I'm just sayin.

See the links below for more about marriages falling apart.

Monday, March 29, 2010

C'mon Son

For real? Everybody is gonna trip on this man because he was epicly infidelous to his wife? Sure the text messages were a bit much. But every man has a much more rugged sexual nature than he is willing to admit in the public eye. Yes, he and Elin have children together but generally most gold diggers marry and have children with their prey. Not that Elin Woods is a golddigger. *cough* Sure some of the porn stars and call girls were not the most attractive whores on the planet, but the man plays golf for Christ's sake. He's not going to have video vixens parading around as his mistress. Of course we're all a bit disappointed in seeing another "clean-nosed" celebrity and athlete getting his nostrils a little clogged but that doesn't mean that the media has to make it so he can't breathe. Leave Eldrick Tont Woods alone! He's a man. A human being capable of error just like the rest of us. No I don't that what he is did was right, but why do people keep acting as though they're so disgusted with someone's character like he's not the most interesting thing to happen to golf since they decided to give those motherfuckers an ugly green jacket as a "prize" instead "punishment." Who else would make you give a rat's ass about the PGA Tour or the Master's Tournament? Phil Mickelson? That other fat guy with the combover? Hell no. So leave that man alone. He will still be able to finish in the top 3 of that tournament. He will still maintain the majority of his endorsement deals (if the media shuts the hell up) and he will still get some groupie ass on the side. Tiger, you shoulda took a page from the purple-suit-wearing character on The Boondocks, because A Pimp Named Slickback wouldn't have had all his bitches talking on the news like that. I know you mad right now Tiger, but this wouldn't even have happened if you were messing round wit some black women. I'm just sayin.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Lord Know My Heart

Yall all know the ones I'm talkin bout. Those Sunday Morning Christians that get all in the aisle shouting at the altar talking bout "the Holy Ghost got hold of me." Those ones. I'm so over them. They talk a mean game bout how they can't wait to get to Heaven but they know they aren't anywhere near the Lord throughout the week. I know a few of these "Saints" personally. I might've even been one of them in my former life, but they spend a good deal of time living in the world. What's that about kinfolk? They be on that bullshit. Drinking all during the week. Flagging down any voice of discernment you toss at them talkin bout "judge ye not." And that's the only scripture their inebriated asses ever took the time to learn. A mess. Gambling and buying Lotto tickets, but you don't even believe in tithing. Yelling at every body to read the Bible, but the only time that Book gets cracked open is when your "Saved Friends" come over and yall study word. But you be boozing up right after they leave and miss church service half the time because you be so gone. Yeah, the Lord may forgive you for messing every once in a while, but Sunday Morning Praise aint no excuse for Saturday night fever, so to speak. The only excuse that they ever can manage to give is "the Lord know my heart." Whatever you say, Drunky McLiarpants. The next time you in the sanctuary though, shouting bout the Goodness of a God you don't know, I hope he strikes you down right where you stand. I aint judging. I'm just sayin

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Quit Playing Games Yo

Even though this game is mad old now, it's still some of the best graphics and gameplay out of a console in a good minute. I'm just saying.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mrs. Knowles You Rock!

Damn it, I know I come off as an asshole. And that last post probably has people thinking I'm not as hardcore a Bey stan as I could be, but let me just say this. After watching Kanye West, one of my favorite rappers, rob the joy from Taylor Swift's first moment of winning a Moon Man, I was wowed at the way she handled that situation. Had Mrs. Knowles-Carter let that hang out there, Taylor might have left MTV with the most sour taste in her mouth about the insensitivity of all the Beautiful People of Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry. While I still think you're hiding something I think this was a move conjured all your own. Let's see more of that side of you. Please? She really is a wonderful human being that I think the whole world would appreciate. I am just saying. You should give it a try.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Who's That Lady

While on one of my favorite blogs, they chose to talk about one of the most championed women of R&B in the 21st century. The cultural phenomena that was so big she had to create an alter ego just to cope with her immense popularity. The one and only Mrs. Beyonce Knowles-Carter. She is a music and fashion icon. But one thing that the average person who isn't a Beyonce Stan will tell you is that they have the sneaking suspicion that all that Ms. Knowles does is part of a large masquerade. With all the hair and makeup. The lights and the wind. The loud speaker and the flying harnesses it's hard to remain a "plain old you" when the whole world is telling you that the things that make you ordinary are too mundane to even fit in the shoes that you have to slide into one at a time like the rest of us. It's no wonder these sort of "superstars" have trouble trying to remain in the stratosphere when their feet are never truly permitted to touch the ground.

Don't get me wrong. Beyonce is an amazing woman. Business savvy. Speaks pretty well if prompted and prepped beforehand. Carries herself with decency. Smiles an awful lot. And as a man I can still say, she is sexy as all get out. But who the hell is she? Underneath all the makeup, weave, airbrushing, eyelined, plastic surgery, overly exercised, body sculpted image of a beautiful package I think there is the soul of a broken woman. A black woman who for whatever reason decided to take the world's oldest profession to a grander scale. She prostituted her gift. Her voice. Made a deal with the devil to sell her Gift from God to the highest bidder. A long time ago when people might not have known the "ghetto fabulous leader of Destiny's Child" they might have been able to simply say "yeah, her voice is pretty strong." But now, her staying power is undeniable. She is so popular that she could release the same album four times in one year with an extra song and video each rerelease and still go platinum on each disc. But with the stacking or hanging of each shiny, metallic disc what does she really gain? And what do we, the consumers of this product, her product, her music and her iconography gain from her? It's not a deeper understanding of ourselves. No, she could never really go toe-to-toe with India.Arie telling us not to be average or determine our worth by materialistic values. No, Beyonce can't go to the depths of her soul and sing the jazzy blues like Queen Latifah and tell us she's not in love, but the feeling was still good. And perhaps Mrs. Carter cannot go through the five steps of grieving with her Green Eyes as Erykah Badu did. But she can give us many of what I'll call "stock R&B songs." They sound pretty, but they don't really make you feel anything. And when it's all said and done what does Beyonce have left to show for it all, besides tons of money? Is she happy? I think beneath it all she's hurting. Real R&B is about rhythm and blues. Rhythm, like the movements of life. And Blues, like the murky water that sometimes is Life's winding stream. And when Beyonce goes into the studio or onto the stage for that matter instead of tapping into those feelings, she does what she has been taught to do well. Lie. Lie with her lips. Lie with her hips. Lie with the conviction that one day she will be able to shed a skin that is choking her secretly. Suddenly, her introversion becomes more and more frantic. And in a dire need to hide her authorial voice further she fabricated the psuedonym for yet another author to the story of her life. That's why people's minds invent multiple personalities isn't it? Because one of the personalities cannot handle the emotional and psychological pressures on it, but the subconscious knows it must survive. That's what Sasha Fierce is in my opinion. Sasha Fierce is Beyonce's armadillo roll. And until she gets out of her ball she cannot and will not be able push in some substance behind all of her musical creations. Until such time, she is simply rubbing dirt in a laceration that goes all the way deep to the white meat. Don't cry. I know it's hard. But you have to get yourself together because no one else will volunteer to do it. I'm just sayin.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Dog-gone Shame

So it's football season again and nobody is more excited to see Michael Vick than I am. And then I get an email titled, "Have You Seen This Shit?" Michael Vick Dog Jerseys. Yes, folks they're serious. The Humane Society has succeeded in being further destructive to Michaeld Vick's image. I mean are they serious? A damn dog jersey? As if Black Men don't have enough problems trying to overcome the dehumanizing process of buying, selling, and trading players in a high-priced Modern-day Slave Trade that has become the NBA and the NFL. I can't believe they did this. They claim it's just to dissipate those last little lingering feelings that some dog lovers may still have towards the black athlete. Do they have any idea how disrespectful this is to any man, regardless of race? You're going to put my number on an animal? I swear I'm going to flip a shit if I get one jeering text message with animalistic comparisons between Vick and a canine. This is just as bad as the white guy who was selling the Obama t-shirts last year out of Fayetteville with Curious George on them. White people, I know you. Some of you are my good friends. I know yall aint that oblivious to the racism involved in these type of incidents and the bigotry embedded in the psyche of the sick fucks who fashioned these in the first place. My soul is disturbed. And my heart is broken at the way they continue to humiliate Michael Vick. My prayers are with you Brother. Stay strong. I know you're going to prove all these naysayers wrong. I just hope they'll start treating you with some dignity soon, because I'm finna send a letter to Stuart Scott so that he can shed some light on this. Because this is some bullshit. And you know it America. I'm just sayin.,184138